Identifying Impulsivity and Behavioral Disinhibition in Gambling

When you play casino games, you may experience impulsivity and behavioral disinhibition. Impulsivity and irrational thinking may be a part of your gambling problem. In such a case, you might try cognitive-behavior therapy, or CBT. This therapy teaches you to resist unwanted habits and thoughts. In addition, it can help you identify and challenge irrational beliefs that you may have about your gambling habits.

Behavioral disinhibition

Whether or not you gamble, you’ve probably noticed the link between behavioral disinhibition and gambling. While there’s no clear answer to this question, some studies suggest that the phenomenon can have some positive effects. For instance, people with higher levels of behavioral disinhibition are more likely to help a stranger in need, and this may be the result of the behavior. Behavioral disinhibition can affect the way we think and act, but there are some ways to make it work to your advantage.


The relationship between impulsivity when gambling and demographics is unclear. This meta-analysis examined correlations between trait impulsivity and gambling and demographics and personality variables. While impulsivity when gambling is not related to age or comorbidity, Aboriginal individuals had higher levels of response impulsivity than Caucasians. However, the relationship between gambling and demographic variables was not significantly different. Further research is needed to determine whether gambling is related to impulsivity, and if so, to what degree.

Irrational thinking

Irrational thinking when gambling can lead to more intense and risky behaviors. Changing these beliefs may reduce problematic gambling. These beliefs include an overestimation of personal ability to win and the illusion of control. In a recent study, researchers identified three such beliefs in gambling participants. If any of these are present in your thinking, then it may be time to consider ways to reduce these thoughts and behaviors. The following article outlines some of these beliefs.


A prize is the consideration for a gambling game. The prize may be money, bragging rights, or something else that can be exchanged for it. However, it is important to distinguish between a prize and gambling. While the former involves a chance element, the latter is based on an outcome that is partly outside of one’s control. The Ig Nobel Prize is a parody of the world’s highest scientific honour.

Pathological gambling

Medications and psychotherapy are the main treatments for pathological gambling. Both these approaches are similar to the long-term treatment of substance use disorders. Self-help groups and medications are commonly used for pathological gambling, with varying degrees of success. It is important to note, however, that many patients with pathological gambling also have another psychiatric disorder. Consequently, these treatments may not be appropriate for all patients. But they are helpful for many.